The Romanian Internet Tech Startups Directory

Andreea Zaharescu

Andreea Zaharescu
Co-Working Spaces: The Grape (other founders)
Nationality: Romanian
More details (bio)

Co-founder of The Grape, a co-working space in Iasi-Romania.
The Catalyst of the team. A person with balanced, calm and composed nature, that brings the balance in the team.
And this nature is the key to manage even the most complex situation in any business or work environment. The passion towards getting into details and research, always makes the team to come out with the best possible business solutions.

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Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
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Andreea Zaharescu
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Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu
Andreea Zaharescu

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