The Romanian Internet Tech Startups Directory

City: Bucharest
Country: Romania
From: 11/07/2019 to: 11/08/2019

DefCamp is one of the most important hacking & INFOSEC events from Romania.


DefCamp is a national initiative dedicated to developing the skills of the young passionate by computer security, by creating a stimulating offline environment which allows offline and online exchange of knowledge between underground security specialists, academic and corporate entities in Romania. DefCamp is focusing on presenting technical information related to the security and insecurity of both virtual and real environment.

The idea of DefCamp came out in March 2011, after some informal discussions between more computer security addicts from Romania, passionate about various INFOSEC topics.

The establishment of this group emerged from the idea that there are people very interested in INFOSEC, but most of them are individualists. And because the projects, activities, brainstorming and many more are not news to anybody when they are the result of a group, DefCamp has been suggested to these people as a solution to go to the next level on the ladder of progress and move one more chess piece on the “chess table” of the INFOSEC board.

The conference talks are not the only activity expected by the attendees. DCTF or DefCamp Capture the Flag is the event waited by most hackers because they can form teams of maximum 5 people that will compete in one of the most complex and challenging computer security competitions from Romania. Each team must solve, in 48 hours, as many challenges as they can from the list of 20, split into 5 categories (Cryptography, Steganography, Web Security, Application, Special) in order to qualify for the final round of the event where competition is verry strong.

The annual event gather together hundreds of international speakers and attendees from all around the globe in the only real environment build by INFOSEC specialists for INFOSEC specialists from Romania. The exact date is announced on our website ahead of time.

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Bucharest, Romania
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