Mukul Pal

Founder & CEO @ AlphaBlock
Mukul has spent over 20 years working to create a solution capable of disrupting the financial market. As the founder and creator of AlphaBlock, he will be the key player in leading the development of the AI solution. He is from the MIT FinTech Class (’16), holds an MBA in Finance, a Masters in Applied Econometrics and Statistics and holds the CMT designation.
Mukul started his career as a lecturer of Finance and Economics at Institute for Management Development, India (‘99) and continued to work in the derivatives domain working for top Institutions like Bombay Stock Exchange before starting his quant shop in 2005.
Mukul is a ranked author on the Social Science Research Network and has filed several patents on data innovation. He has been invited to speak at Bombay Stock Exchange, Market Technicians Association, Thomson Reuters Conferences, TED, Princeton University, University of Chicago, University of Waterloo and other.