Adrian Calotescu
I was always interested in computers and how they work. I am a very experimental type of person and loved finding out by myself how things work because in the IT field I had little access to information that was constantly changing.
Driven by this passion and the hunger for more I started learning the basics in Pascal language in school and loved it. In time I learned the basics of HTML, PHP, a little about FoxPro, but never had a chance to use them.
My academic background is in economics and marketing and 2 years I have been working as sales agent in Real Estate for one year and another one at an online computer store. I enjoyed the experience but I never felt that this was the call for me. My real passion followed me and took some courses in Web Developing where I had an opportunity to prove my skills. Since I like trying new things and take challenges even if they seem impossible or hard to achieve I immediately accepted and took my chances. I had to read a lot and experiment new programming languages as nodejs, javascript, HTML5, but loving what I work on made it easy and very enjoyable. I am a very passionate person when I like the things I am working on and I try to put 110% envolvement.
This experience lead me to a full time job as a developer and started to work on a game creation platform, Gameleon, where with proper guidance and a good architecture I wrote most of the code for the editor for games.