Country: Romania
People from different backgrounds (tech, business, design and marketing) come together for a weekend to present ideas, listen to new thoughts, work their ideas with new people, get feedback and improve.
People from different backgrounds come together to present ideas, listen to new thoughts, work their asses off and get to know each other.
This is steroids for your idea. Pitch, form your team, work, get feedback from startups, experts and mentors, present what you have achieved in front of about 80 people including experts from all over Europe. The process is accompanied by coaches, business angels, start-up entrepreneurs and all other participants. You get to know all these people in an informal way, usually standing there with a beer in hand hooking up with your future investors or mentors.

How to Web is the most important conference on web business and technology in SEE, bringing hands-on talks on product, business and tech innovation.

The Leading Conference on Decentralization

GeekMeet's mission is to bring tech professionals together and surface models that can inspire others.


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