Country: Romania
Trigwee is an international community of passionate people who share their dreams and create conversations around them.
Trigwee revolves around a perennial topic: inspiring oneself and having the determination to become a better person. The way this is done is by using lists.
That is, on the website you can create lists with these things that you want to try, and keep track of these activities you are keen on taking part of at least once in you life.
The list itself will be a motivational one in terms of layout and design, as each item that you include there will be accompanied by a picture by default.
The social aspect is determined by the fact that you can start sharing you list with other site users, and get to know different people that share your same aspirations as far as new activities are concerned. Maybe they will even agree to try these things with you in the physical world, and that is something that scores quite highly on anybody’s motivation-o-meter. Having someone to undergo an experience with makes it all twice as easy, and three times as enjoyable.
The startup is now closed and the founders moved on to something else.

Create galleries, players and more without code.

It is like Feedly for automotive lovers

Social Money Transferring.


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