The Romanian Internet Tech Startups Directory

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A microlearning platform developed by CO-FACTOR, an awarded expert in digital employee engagement and ASCENDIS, the leading training provider Central Eastern Europe. The platform can be used as a digital follow-up tool after a training delivered in class or as a stand alone digital learning environment. It can be managed by a Training Solution Provider as content and training management partner or used as a client self-managed solution for own trainers and own content.

– Learning in 3-7 minute chunks matches the brain’s working memory and attention span
– 8 out of 10 L&D professionals favor microlearning because their learners prefer it
– Microlearning can increase the speed of development by 300% while cutting the cost by 50%
– Microlearning generates 50% more engagement than traditional learning methods

Code of Talent guarantees an engaging and motivating learning experience for employees and a superior training ROI through its multi-dimensional execution:
– Personal, self-paced and self-directed learning
– Social, community driven knowledge sharing and learning
– Gamified learning journey, providing sense of progress and achievement
– Trainer assisted, through ongoing involvement, feedback and evaluation

July 17, 2020 | is the only online learning platform recommended for V-VIII graders for the National Evaluation. The platform integrates personalized learning and evaluation solutions as well as psychological solutions for avoiding emotional overwhelming. incorporates 302 learning movies, 342 solved problems, 191 tests for knowledge verifying, 58 flash-tests and 1 National Evaluation exam simulator with immediate feedback.

June 22, 2020 |

Enlight Ed develops a chat based intelligent tutoring application that helps learners practice complex exercises in guided steps with immediate feedback and hints.
Enlight Ed’s intelligent tutoring applications provide guidance and immediate feedback to their students. Émilie, the chat-based intelligent tutor developed by Enlight Ed, teaches by asking the right questions instead of giving the immediate answers. She takes every mistake as an opportunity to teach, and you are never stuck because she responds immediately.

June 13, 2020 |

FaceRig is an indie software enabling anyone with a webcam to digitally embody any character they want.
Facerig ( is used by millions of people all over the world – including top YouTube and Twitch stars like PewDiePie, JackSepticEye and GoodMythicalMorning.
FaceRig allows anyone to embody incredible CG characters in real-time using just their webcam, enabling amazing digital shapeshifting at the touch of a button.
We’ve created FaceRig so that you can let your imagination run wild.
FaceRig can be used to make videos, make comic books, gifs, create 2D or 3D avatars, broadcast, stream etc. Fun is the key here! It’s also an open platform so that everybody can make their own characters, backgrounds or props and import them into FaceRig. Our 3D artists even offer support and feedback so that your model will surely come to life.

June 3, 2020 |

StockBerry App is designed to help traders save time by scanning millions of tweets and news and show them how positive or negative the market sentiment is + many other goodies (like news, portfolio management, market data, technical indicators, etc).
The application is a mobile application Android and iOS and planing to have the web version as well.
The application now has 4 main modules:
SENTIMENT INDICATOR: Using social media and news feeds we use our custom made AI model to compute a sentiment indicator and display a graphical representation of its evolution
NEWS FEED: The user is able to see the latest news aggregated from all the top media agencies for his portfolios or chosen securities
MARKET DATA: You can see financial data, technical indocators and advanced charts for both Stock & Crypto.
PORTFOLIO: Using advanced statistics we calculate a portfolio risk considering securities correlations. The user can also see relevant statistics regarding the evolution of his portfolio
Future features:
ALERTS: The user can configure specific alerts starting from google trends, sentiment indicator, technical indicators.
FUNDAMENTALS: We want to provide the user a 360 view of a security (News, sentiment indicator, technical analysis and fundamentals). The user will be able to search for companies based on fundamental indicators like P/E, P/B, EPS, EBITDA and much more.
PREDICTIONS: From financial price history we compute different technical indicators that together with the sentiment indicator, fundamentals and google trends are entry points into an AI model that will predict future trends for specific securities.
We founded the company in June 2017 and we started working full time at the beginning of December 2017. I started the company because I think, with our vast experience and good track record in IT (including machine learning and artificial intelligence), we can add value in the financial markets sector and, in time, create a strong brand in the industry.
The problem that we see and our application is solving is that on the short term social media and news have a big impact over the financial sector, and having to read all those tweets and news takes a lot of time, hence this needs to be automated.
Another problem that we solve is having combined stock and crypto in same portfolio and calculations.

March 24, 2020 |

Plant an App is the low-code platform helping companies around the world accelerate their digital transformation by empowering development teams. Addressed to SMEs, startups, and business consultants who are already working with IT teams, but who find themselves unable to keep up with the digital transformation speed, this solution shortens the feedback loop between IT and business and dramatically accelerates solution delivery, by up to 20 times.

July 10, 2020 | is an educational platform for students preparing for the Bacalaureate exam.
We believe that one of the most eficient ways to study is to understand by interacting with what you have to learn. It’s much more easier and efficient to read relevant questions about a certain topic and choose the right answer. Therefore the act of studying becomes active and the feedback you receive will help you learn where you went wrong and where to get more effort into it. It’s simple, quick and efficient.

June 15, 2020 |

LetsVR is a holistic virtual reality (VR) collaboration cloud platform (in terms of software, hardware and services), designed for any public or private entity that wants to leverage the virtual collaboration.

The platform offers solutions for virtually infinite number of use cases in any public or private industry. LetsVR allows you to train more employees, provide safe training for high-risk scenarios, increase employee engagement and knowledge retention, reduce costs and travel time and Capture detailed training data to improve performance. It can also be used in soft skills or HR interviews, or even for anonymous employee feedback.

June 12, 2020 |

Co-Founder & Customer Relations @ Eventya
I started my activity in design and this is still my passion. I moved from website design to branding and now to mobile apps UI & UX.
I’m not that type of designer that gets upset when somebody tells me he/she doesn’t like my work … I like to talk to people about the apps I design and get as much feedback as I can.
UX was something I discovered later on in my career. I really enjoy talking face to face to actual people, not just “users”, and get continuous feedback on my work.
I’ve never been such a huge fan of “outsourcing software services” … this led me and my team to build our own product that we really believe in – Eventya platform – a great mobile app builder that helps non-tech organisations engage with their audience via mobile & web channels.
Here at Eventya, we build apps for :
– Tourist Destinations that want to stand out from the crowd with a brand new mobile experience
– City Halls that want to improve the communication with their citizens
– Museums that want to fit-in into this digital era and attract younger people to visit them
– Festivals that want to improve their festival goers’ experience
– Theatres that need to keep in touch with their dedicated and loving audience
– Retailers that want to get rid of the physical loyalty cards and move on to a digital loyalty program
– Communities of people with common interests that want a better way to keep in touch with their members
My job at Eventya, besides supervising the design team, is to discover new customer segments for our platform and write great articles explaining how a mobile app can help each particular type of client to improve their image and their communication with the clients / audience or visitors.
When I’m not working, I’m usually with my 2 daughters, my husband and our dog wondering the hills that surround our house in beautiful Cisnădioara, Transylvania, Romania.

May 26, 2020 |

Voxi Kids is a speech therapy app created by a team of experts with the purpose of providing support to children, parents and therapists. The app includes several types of exercises, such as categorizations, colors, parts of the body, and positions in space, which have been designed to contribute to the development of attention, listening skills, visual and auditory memory, language, observation and general knowledge.
This app is easy to use with friendly visuals, and can be helpful in education. It is also not aggressive and not privacy-invasive.
When we talk about speech therapy, we’re not referring solely to correcting articulation and developing verbal language skills, but also to developing auditory processing and cognitive abilities.
The Voxi kids speech therapy app is primarily meant for:
– people struggling with hearing loss
– individuals of various ages who rely on a cochlear implant, as it’s been specially designed to support the development of listening skills
– young children who may use it for general knowledge development
Designed like a game, our app’s exercises offer new knowledge in a fun and enjoyable manner. This learning method through play is used throughout the entire app.
In addition, parents can access a graphical representation of their child’s progress in the app, including the time spent on each exercise or chapter, so they can receive feedback on the usefulness of the app, as well as their child’s evolution.
Voxi’s mission is thus to truly help as many children and adults, who struggle with hearing and speaking impairments, as possible.

March 21, 2020 |

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